Aug 2, 2017
Walking the streets of Santa Barbara recently, I was shocked and surprised by the things some people do. Coming from Houston where pedestrians are considered UFO’s, it was a very pleasant experience to stroll around shopping and people watch. It also made me wonder about attitudes and perspectives….. I was…

Jul 11, 2017
Recently I read about a CEO that hand writes 7,400 birthday cards annually for all his employees personalizing it with comments relevant to each person. In addition, when he hears about random acts of kindness in the workplace, he sends a thank you note to the individual letting them know…

Jun 22, 2017
The thing I enjoy most about being a motivational speaker is meeting all kinds of great people from many different walks of life. Speaking to a group of teachers at their staff development day in Texas recently was both a challenge and a lesson. The challenge was to maintain interest…

May 10, 2017
United Airlines mess up should be YOUR call to wake up! When was the last time you experienced really great customer service above and beyond? Did it make you feel special? Did you blab about it to everyone? Really great customer service starts with people that love what they do.…

Mar 17, 2017
Six ways to become a better listener I’ve never forgotten the simple statement that a senior manager with BP said about being a good leader when I gave the opening keynote speech for their conference several years ago. He said “great leadership begins with listening well”. 1. Listen to Learn, Not…

Mar 8, 2017
With the event of International Women’s Day today March 8th, 2017 comes greater awareness about the age-old principle of double standards. Here in this advanced industrious nation of infinite opportunities and abundant resources, stats show that women are still not paid equally as men for doing the same job. It’s definitely…

Mar 1, 2017
We’ve all been there done that. You know, that time when someone said something and you immediately mouthed off at them. Tempers flared, accusations flew, insults hurled. What happened after the stormy time passed? Feelings were hurt, confidence questioned, and resentment festered, right? And all because of knee-jerk reactions. Recently…

Feb 21, 2017
Whatever happened to the service part of Customer Service? Have you ever bought something online, found it didn’t work, then tried to find a customer service phone number on the company’s website? How much time have you wasted on hold for a real live person to talk to in a…

Feb 15, 2017
Are you all stressed up with nowhere to go? Do your co-workers consist of five generations with a ‘know-it-all’ attitude? Are you a whiner or a winner? One of the coolest things about being a motivational speaker is I get to meet all kinds of diverse sections of the workforce…

Feb 9, 2017
Superbowl 2017 is over. Tom Brady rocked. The Patriots ruled. Just like millions of others, by half time I thought it was over, so I quit watching and left the party I was attending only to wake up the next day and discover The Patriots made the most amazing comeback…