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The thing I enjoy most about being a motivational speaker is meeting all kinds of great people from many different...
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The thing I enjoy most about being a motivational speaker is meeting all kinds of great people from many different...
Are you all stressed up with nowhere to go? Do your co-workers consist of five generations with a ‘know-it-all’ attitude?...
Superbowl 2017 is over. Tom Brady rocked. The Patriots ruled. Just like millions of others, by half time I thought...
Bye Bye 2016 with the same ol’ habit of me, me, me. Hello 2017. The theme is thoughtful. The point...
So you’re at the company conference. It’s fun to be away from the office norm for a few days and...
With employee engagement at an all time low across the US, what’s it going to take for managers to wake...
If ever there was a two-ringed circus surely the current political stage is ‘it’ on steroids. Two high profile people...
The 2016 Summer Olympics are over. America won 100+ medals. World records were smashed, spirits were high and Rio rocked....
With the world’s eyes on Rio and all the buzz around the athletes, there’s lots to talk about around the...
It’s no secret that music has the power to inspire, uplift and unite people. If you’ve ever been to a...
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